Friday, 6 July 2018

F4TFriday #55 - Making Sense

Humans experience the world around them through their senses. Touch, taste, sight, sound and scent all combine to a greater or lesser degree to build up a picture of our surroundings.

Many of us have a dominant sense; some of us are visual, some are auditory, whereas others are tactile. Some of us have lost or have a restricted use of one or more senses, which impacts how we perceive and determine our world.

Sex, by its very nature, is a very sensual and sensory experience. So, this week, what we want to know is:

How do you employ your senses to enhance your enjoyment of sex?

Which of your senses have the biggest impact on your enjoyment?

What effect does sensory deprivation (e.g. blindfolds, restraint) have on you?

If you have a sensory impairment or have lost the use of a sense, how has this affected you (if at all) sexually?
BIG "Thank you!" this week to SubmissiveJen for providing this week's question.

PS: If there's a question you'd like us to ask, feel free to contact us via the suggestion box or on twitter.

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