First of all, we would just like to say a huge
to the 37 bloggers who have contributed a staggering 236 posts in response to the 47 prompts that we have run this year. Your contributions have been fantastic and we simply couldn't do this without your support.
Of those 37 bloggers, 28 of you joined in for the first time this year; with the remaining 9 bloggers rejoining us after our period of hiatus. I am sure everyone has enjoyed reading each other's contributions this year and we are looking forward to seeing what everyone dishes up for us in the year ahead.
Our top 10 contributors accounted for an astonishing 164 posts (a very apt 69% of the total...), so we would offer extra special thanks to the following bloggers for going above and beyond:
- Kilted Wookie - @Kilted_Wookie
- Marie Rebelle - @RebelsNotes
- Moist Musings - @MoistMusings
- dommewithdogs
- submissy - @5ubmissy
- Julie (Master's Pleasing Bitch) - @MPBjulie
- Witty - @PuppetPanpan96
- Miss Scarlet - MissScarletUK
- kisungura - @kisungura
- Wriggly Kitty - @wriggly_kitty
Like many in the blogging community, we were shocked and deeply saddened by the tragic loss of M of Cammies On The Floor earlier this year. M was a long time supporter of this site, a fantastic blogger and an all round wonderful human being and she will be greatly missed. A number of bloggers wrote tributes to her, and if you wish to do so, you can read them here. That particular link up is still open, so if you would like to add your own tribute, please feel free to do so.
So, whether you are a contributor, a reader or if you have suggested a question, all that remains if for us to say thank you yet again for your support, and to wish you health, happiness and health in the coming new year and beyond.