
Monday 4 November 2019

F4Thought #122 - Faking Orgasms

F4Thought #122 faking orgasms
#F4Thought #122 ~ Faking Orgasms - Have you ever faked your climax?
Last weeks prompt of secrets certainly got you writing about all types of secrets, sexual and otherwise. Thank you to everyone who joined in.

J.Lynn has been a supporter of Food for Thought since Floss and I took over back in week #101. So I was very happy when she agreed to choose the spotlight post for week #121.

Spotlight Post #121 by J.Lynn

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading about everyone’s secrets or how they have handled keeping a secret.
faking orgasms
#121 Spotlight Post
Being a bit of a secret hoarder myself has its perks and it thrills me knowing about a little piece of a person that no one else may know. I’m not the vindictive type so even if I have a falling-out with a person their secret is still safe with me.

This brings me to why I chose Melody from Melody Insights this week; she has shared her secret with us throughout her blog, but this post really hit a soft spot. As children we are like sponges- we learn, observe, and internalize how we are brought up. This is key in the way we interact with other people and whether or not we let them see our true selves.

“Those of us brought up in a different era would never let on we’d been in trouble at school.  It would only earn extra punishment from parents, potentially painful physical punishment – extra incentive to learn to keep secrets; learning to dissemble in a way that’s not an outright lie.  As a child we learn to keep stuff that can hurt or embarrass us a secret.  One such being that any expression of non-maleness; an absolute taboo." READ MORE...

Prompt #122 Faking Orgasms


This weeks prompt was chosen by Julie from Master's Pleasing Bitch. Do check out her blog – she is a fabulously honest writer. 

I don't think this topic needs too much explanation. So please link up any thoughts you want to share on the subject.

Here are a few guide questions for those who like to follow a format.

  • Have you ever faked an orgasm? 
  • Are you good at faking orgasms? 
  • Would you be able to tell if your lover was faking it? 
  • Do you think it is important for all players in a sex session to climax?

Please remember to comment on other peoples work and link up with one of our badges.

I asked Floss Is it important for you to orgasm during a sex session?

"Orgasms are definitely a fun part of sex for me, because they’re yummy, but they are not vital, I get a lot of pleasure out of everything from kissing to watching a partner orgasm. If for some reason I don’t climax myself there is a 99% chance I’ve still had a great time. So long as we’re both (or all of us depending on the night) having fun that’s all that matters to me."

Late Link up -

Here's a late entry by this memes creator and original host, Kilted Wookie - Bangs and Whimpers

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
Click here to enter


  1. I managed to miss the link up, but here's my late entry (as it were... 😉)


  2. Thanks KW - will add it to the post it self - May x
