
Tuesday 28 April 2020

F4Thought #147 - Celebrity

#F4Thought #147 - Celebrity
What does the word celebrity mean to you? Have you ever accidentally met a celebrity?
Are you friends with a celebrity?
Last week so many wonderful bloggers linked up to tell Food for Thought all about their lockdown experiences.

Spotlight post #146 by Jupiter Grant.

Twenty one writers shared their work so a spotlight roundup of three posts was published. The lovely Jupiter Grant highlighted those that resonated with her. And you can find her choices here...

Prompt #147 Celebrity

Monday 27 April 2020

F4Thought #146 - Round Up

f4thought #146 lockdown round up
#F4Thought #146 - Lockdown Round Up of three spotlight posts chosen by Jupiter Grant

This weeks Lockdown topic for Food for Thought proved very popular. Twenty one bloggers linked to the meme. Which meant a roundup of three spotlight posts would need to be done.

I am a fan of Jupiter Grants work. Not only that she is a wonderfully supportive blogger and author. If you are not aware of her blog check it out. In fact check it out anyway ;-)

So over to Jupiter for this weeks spotlight roundup...

Food 4 Thought Round Up #146 by Jupiter Grant

No matter who or where we are, the coronavirus pandemic has a huge impact upon our lives, and has forced us to adapt to these very strange and worrying circumstances. With that comes uncertainty and anxiety, but what I also discovered through reading all of the Food 4 Thought submissions this week, is that lots of us are finding positive ways to combat the fear, the upheaval, the loneliness and the frustration. Even if just through articulating those thoughts and feelings through the written word, it seems that a large number of bloggers are finding respite and expression by sharing their own experiences of this unprecedented global lockdown. So thank you to everyone who joined in with this week's topic.

Monday 20 April 2020

F4Thought #146 - Lockdown

#F4Thought #146 - Lockdown - Currently we are experiencing an unprecedented situation as most of the world is involved in some kind of lock-down due to the outbreak of COVID-19.

I thought the prompt for last week – Hopes and Dreams – was very apt considering we are living through uncertain times.

Spotlight post #145 by Elliott Henry.

I am a big fan and friend of Elliott Henry. He has the ability to make me smile. Bringing joy to the world is a gift. So over to Elliott for his choice of spotlight post...

I liked Barefoot's post a lot, of course the photo, imagine the stories that would prompt, but that she had not posted for a year and now is back. I like she has emerged from a year of drought and has dreams. I loved the last line, that is a dream come true indeed.

“... in the current situation where hopes, dreams and goals are in limbo, then I shall enjoy the opportunity to nurture relationships remotely with all of the lovely folk who fill my world with sunshine. I am also excited to have so much time to learn with my children, to have playtime when they/we are not tired and cranky from a busy, busy day and to really find the time to get to know the lovely boys they are growing into.” Read More...

Prompt #146 Lockdown

Tuesday 14 April 2020

F4Thought #145 - Hopes & Dreams

Hopes and Dreams #F4Thought
Image Via Pixabay
What are your hopes and dreams?
It was heartwarming to read your posts about inspiring relatives, especially as it was a topic I (Floss) really couldn’t find any inspiration for. I think this week’s topic could also be one that gives us the warm and fuzzy feels as we as you all to share posts about your ‘Hopes & Dreams’. Before we move onto that though, it was my turn to choose to the spotlight post this week … 

Spotlight Post #144 by Floss 

This week’s post from Corrupting Mrs Jones is my spotlight choice for this week. Her post really made me consider all the relatives many of us have whose life stories may not be quite as we expected and how thankfully for many of us times have changed. 

‘It wasn’t until a month or so after her passing that we discovered Nana had other unconventional skeletons in her closet. It turns out that in 1936 in a large country town a 17 year old girl who would later become my grandmother gave birth to an illegitimate son. At the time being an unwed mother was not desirable. Nana was slightly fortunate in that her family supported her well at this time.’ Read More

Prompt #145 - Hopes and Dreams 

Monday 6 April 2020

F4Thought #144 - Inspiring Relatives

inspiring relatives
#F4Thought #144 - Inspiring Relatives ~
Write about inspiring family members, or those you consider family, who are living or dead.

What do you admire about them?
The world continues in crazy mode and this is obviously having an impact on all of us. But thankfully blogging gives me a bit of routine. And I enjoyed reading your myth busting posts.

Spotlight Post #143 by May More

There were some excellent D's articles included in this weeks entries. I am a fan of Purple Gem and was drawn to Purple Sole's post initially for two reasons. The image attached to the narrative. PS looking very flamboyant. And also the title - Always Seeking More - Me being A “More” of course. It made me smile. But once I started reading I knew immediately I would be featuring it here. I am always impressed by PS's honesty and as usual he talks frankly and intelligently about his life with Gem and their relationship

This isn’t just about D/s, social media is all about portraying an image, a better more successful, more attractive you. And if everybody else is then the only reason we’re doing it is to stay on the same level as others. Trying to improve oneself isn’t inherently bad. I strive to be a better Dom and a better human. To help this I had clothes I wouldn’t usually wear ready to take to Eroticon this year. So maybe it was a blessing in disguise that I wasn’t seen in faux black snake leather trousers and patent shoes (with purple soles). READ MORE...

Well I disagree I would love to see Purple Sole in this outfit.

Prompt #144 Amazing Relatives.