
Friday, 9 August 2019

F4TFriday #111 - Words To Live By

Words To Live By #F4TFriday #111
#F4TFriday #111 Words To Live By

#111 - Words To Live By

For a while, I was worried that even talking about taboos was taboo, but so many of you came through for us and your posts were amazing. This has been the highest engagement ever for us since May and I took over the F4TFriday helm, so a huge thank you to contributors old and new for supporting us as we endeavour to make Kilted Wookie proud of the project he started. 

#110 Spotlight Post

Spotlight Post
There were so many awesome posts on sexual taboos and why society encourages taboos, but none of them made me shout ‘YES! That should be a taboo’ quite like the post ‘What is Taboo?’ from Steeled Snake Charmer.

‘Except…I guess things were. Taboo in my life was saying something nasty about someone because of gender or race or sexual orientation or income or…whatever. Anything that was judgmental was stopped and discussed. Respect for people was paramount. My parents dropped friends and distanced themselves from family who could not be respectful of others.’ Read More

Prompt #111 - Words To Live By

I love a good quote, I have a board on Pinterest filled with thousands of them that I’ve been collecting for years. Bakji, my cohort in sexy shenanigans, however, is not a fan! What about
you? Do you have a favourite quote? Or words you live by? Perhaps an entire book that inspires your daily living?

Has someone else ever shared words of wisdom with you that to this day you still follow?

Is there a quote that never fails to brighten your day, or give you motivation regardless of your situation?

As always the questions are just for fun, please write whatever comes into your mind when you visit the prompt. This is a broad topic so take it in any direction that feels good and myself and May will be excited to see what you decide to share. If you like the idea of sharing but don’t have a blog, please do get in touch and we can host your post right here on the F4TFriday blog. 

May Says ...

I asked May When it comes to favoured words or phrases, is there one or any you feel you use too much as a blogger?

Well, that's a good question. So, the words I use far too often when writing are SO and WELL. My writing style is very chatty so I always find these two words occurring far too much. So much that I actually check my work for them and cut them out before I publish. Well, obviously I can't cut them all out as they are needed in places occasionally.


  1. Can I just say I am truly in awe of the direction and heights you have taken this meme in. I should have given it up for adoption so much sooner... 😉

